Junior Team (Years 0-3)

Welcome to the Junior Team.  We have 5 classrooms of children in our learning family ranging in ages from 5 to 8 years of age.

Our learning programmes ensure that our children start school with a continued love of learning and a solid foundation of life skills (eg: self-management, collaboration, communication, critical thinking …etc),  literacy and numeracy, and a growing understanding of the wider curriculum.

In our team, we value the role of learning through Purposeful Play – which is weaved  throughout the day.

Our Junior Syndicate Team 2023 is

  • Ms Dorreen Mackenzie in Mckenzie (team leader)
  • Mrs Mandy Smyth in Smyth
  • Miss Charlotte Smith in Smith
  • Ms Cath Kirkpatrick in Kirkpatrick
  • Whaea Ness Mills in Mills (Mrs Adcock on Friday)

To see what we are all up to come and visit us, look at our Seesaw pages