If your child/ren has/have brought home a dental form or Enrolment Pack (Year 8) can you please return these as soon as possible to School. The Dental Nurses are only here for a certain time period and can not complete work without signed permission.
Website Manager
School Photos Tomorrow
If you are hoping to have photos of your child/ren with siblings not currently attending Greytown School, please ensure you are at School (the Hall) and ready for 8.30am.
School Photos Wednesday 8th June
Our photographers have been in touch to advise that all school photos will now only be taken on Wednesday 8th June not the two days as initially suggested.
The out of school sibling photos will be from 8.30am on the Wednesday morning not the Thursday as previously advised. There is only a small slot for these so please ensure you arrive and are ready to go at 8.30am.
Have a great long weekend.
School Photos Wednesday 8th June
School photos are next Wednesday 8th June and Thursday 9th June.
If you would like to have a photo taken of your preschool child with their older sibling please let the ladies in our school office know. We anticipate these photos will be taken before school on the Thursday.
School Updates
Ata mārie Unfortunately we are needing to use our postponement day for cross country this year. Cross country will now be held on Thursday 19th May. Could we please ask that you drop any baking in to the office on Thursday morning for selling on the cake stall. Hopefully our amazing parent helpers will still be available to assist us with selling baking and cooking sausages. Also as we are now operating under the orange setting we would just like to remind our parents that the School day is 8.50am to 3.00pm.