School starts tomorrow – device returning

Hi everyone

We are looking forward to all our children being back on site for learning tomorrow. Yah!! I know there are many kids who are excited to see all their friends again.

Parents remember to check the notice sent out yesterday about Level 2. If you can not find it it is on our Facebook and website too.

Kids…. It is time to get out your uniforms and shoes (make sure they are clean and ready to go), pack your bag with your drink bottle and lunchbox (pack a little bit more as you are used to snacking at home), get ready to go to bed early…and if you have a school device then put it beside your bag ready to bring back to school with its charger.

In the morning

– Year 7/8’s take your device and charger to your class and your teacher will sign you off our list.

– Year 0-6’s bring your iPads and Chromebooks to the library from 8.30 onwards and give them to Mr Preston, Mrs Hopkins or I so we can sign them off, clean them and return them back to the right place or others to use.

Parents:  If your child is not able to use hand sanitiser parents can send them to school with their own hypoallergenic soap to use in a plastic bag.

See you tomorrow!

Clarification on parents wearing masks

A few parents have asked us about parents who need to come onsite “Do I need to wear a mask?”. The Ministry of Education advisor has said via email to this question “Face masks are not compulsory on school site however we encourage people to wear them when possible. Tracing, the physical distancing of 2m away from others and hygiene practices when entering and exiting are compulsory”

Alert Level 2 – What it means.

Hi Everyone
Firstly a big thank you to all our families for all their support and hard work during Alert levels 3 and 4. We are looking forward to seeing our whole school back on-site on Thursday 9th September.
Please read the following information carefully so you know what the rules/Health restrictions are for Alert Level 2 and what is happening for learning tomorrow as we prepare our school site.
Patrice O’Connor

Level 2 Coronavirus update Tuesday 7th September 2021.pdf

Moving to Alert Level 2

Hi everyone
Many of you will have watched the update and heard that Jacinda Adern has announced that schools will be open again this Thursday 9th September in Alert Level 2. This is exciting news and we are looking forward to having all our kids and staff back on-site learning together again.
Until then only our bubble classes will continue to learn on-site on Tuesday and Wednesday. Our other children who are off-site will remain learning at home.
At present, I am waiting for the latest Ministry of Education update before giving you detailed information on what this will look like eg: restrictions for parents/whānau on-site, advice around mask wearing, size of grouping for playtimes etc
Once I have this information I will send it out to you (this will most likely be tomorrow morning).
Until then we continue to appreciate all your support and look forward to seeing all our children back on site on Thursday.
Patrice O’Connor

Alert Level 3 Ready and Fun Challenges

Hi everyone

Tonight at 11.59 pm we will be going into Alert Level 3.  Please read the following information so you know what is happening and for fun activities, you can take part in.

All bubble classes will start onsite tomorrow morning and information has been sent out to these parents.  If you have not received this information please email today. Please note: Bubble kids can wear mufti clothes and please provide more food for them than normal as they tend to eat more in a bubble class than a normal school day.

Another round of hardpacks for registered children will be dropped off this afternoon to enable children to carry on learning in Alert Level 3. 

All online learning will carry on until we return back to school as a whole school.

Teacher Only Day has been postponed until 24th November 2021.  Therefore all learning on Thursday 2nd September will carry on as per normal.

1) Last year we made a slideshow celebrating lockdown and we would like to do the same in 2021 – Send in a photo of a Lockdown activity you enjoyed in 2021.  We will put them together on our school Facebook and also put them into our school archives to remember this year.

2) On Thursday 2nd September it is ONESIE day.  Send us a photo of you or your family wearing your onesie to celebrate Wellington Free Ambulance.  If you are a bubble class kid you can wear your onesie to school for the day.
If you would like to support this charity event with a donation please go to their website ( 

Send your fun photos to

Alert Level 3:  Please make sure you check the website to understand what these rules are and/or check last weeks school update.

Finally, we hope you are all doing well.  We know for some of our families it is a very challenging time and if there is anything our teachers and staff can do to help you and your family please do not hesitate to contact us.
Please send your kids a big hello from us all and let them know we are thinking of them.  School is not the same without you all here and we are really looking forward to Alert Level 2 where we can all come back on site.  

Until then stay safe.
Patrice aka Miss O or Miss O’Connor

Yeah! GIRLS Cricket in Term 4

Hi All,

Even though things are a bit ‘funny’ at the moment, we still have to make plans going forward about what we are doing for sports in Term 4.

With that in mind, the extremely well-run ‘Yeah, Girls! Cricket Programme’ is up and running again in the Wairarapa. I have added the information below for a direct sign-up, or you can make contact with me at to register your interest in getting involved. It is a program run for girls, by girls and they absolutely love it.

With the Women’s Cricket World Cup 22 coming to Wellington it is an exciting time to be involved in the game.

So get in and register your interest.

Yeah Girls Information Schools 2021-22.pdf

Alert Level 3 onsite learning

Hi Parents and Caregivers

We need to know TODAY if your child/ren are going to need to be in an Alert Level 3 bubble class on our school site from Wednesday 1st September 2021, as we need to organise and ensure we have adequate staffing and Health and Safety in place.

Please keep in mind:

We need to emphasise, the school will only be open from Wednesday for ESSENTIAL WORKERS children who CANNOT be supervised at home, due to all caregivers needing to be AWAY FROM HOME for their employment, and have NO OTHER ADULTS/OLDER SIBLINGS OF LEGAL AGE who are able to look after them instead.

The government has stated that their most ideal choice is for children to STAY AT HOME and to continue home learning either online or with hardpacks delivered during Level 3.

Information from the Ministry of Education has clearly explained life at school will be very different from normal. There are strict rules that we will need to follow eg: Remain at least a metre from each other inside (unless siblings) and 2 metres outside, no playgrounds will be open, playtimes will be different as bubble groups must remain separate, different entry/exit gates for bubble group parents, children will use individual sports equipment/learning tools etc.

Thank you to those families who have already let us know. We will be in touch on Monday or Tuesday morning at the latest (depending on the number of bubbles required) with all the information that you will need to follow.

If you have not registered your child/ren please contact me TODAY via email:

Patrice O’Connor

Alert Level 3 Bubble Class Decision Making Chart.png