Parent Teacher Conferences

Just a reminder that parent teacher conferences are this Wednesday and Thursday. Please also remember that School will be finishing at 12.30 on both days.

If you have not already booked a meeting with your child’s teacher please contact the Office and we can do this for you.

School Photos Next Week

School photos will be on the 3rd and 4th August. We are using Inspire Photography again this year.
If you would like to have photos taken with preschool siblings these can be done before school starts each day. If you could please let us know if you wish to take up this option.

Drive In Movie Night Volunteers needed

As many of you will have seen Greytown School is hosting a drive-in movie night as part of the Greytown winter festival. This night is being held on Friday 30th July with a postponement date of Saturday 31st July. To make this night a success for the School’s fundraising we are seeking your help. Thank you to those that have already offered their help! Please follow this link and see how you can help make this night a success. Link: (Copy and paste into Google if above link does not work).

Free Violin Lesson Scholarships for Term 3 and 4

Caitlin Morris (Music Teacher BMUS MFA) is offering two Greytown School students free scholarships to learn violin.
The lessons will be held in Kidzone on Friday afternoons from 3 pm during Terms 3 and 4.
Due to the incredible sponsorship of The Lions, children can also borrow a violin for free to attend lessons and practice at home during this time.
If you would like to put your child’s name forward to be considered please email Caitlin asap.
Caitlin Morris:
Please note: Children need to be committed to attending lessons regularly and to practice at home during the week.

Traffic and Road Safety

Dear Parents

With increased construction and school growth, there are ongoing increased traffic demands on Reading Street and East Street. The Board and leadership team are currently working with the team from The Orchards and the South Wairarapa District Council on ideas to manage this to ensure children’s safety. However, it also involves all our parents, children and our wider community doing their part too.

We ask that:

* Parents take time to talk to and practise with their child/ren their route to school and crossing busy roads. This is especially important for walkers and cyclists.

* Everyone, please be aware that there is large construction traffic on Reading Street. Parents and children need to be extremely careful during pick up and drop off times.

* All drivers lower their speed around the school.

* Everyone crosses at the crossing or walk across the road beyond the diamonds painted on the road safely. Ie: not directly around the bus and hall area or close to the crossing.

* No parking or stopping on the yellow lines near the crossing.

If we all work together and remind each other it will make a difference. We appreciate your support in helping us to keep everyone safe.

Drive In Movie Night Assistance

As many of you will have seen Greytown School is hosting a drive-in movie night as part of the Greytown winter festival. This night is being held on Friday 30th July with a postponement date of Saturday 31st July.

To make this night a success for the School’s fundraising we are seeking your help.

Please follow this link and see how you can help make this night a success.

Link: (Copy and paste into Google if above link does not work).

Reading Street traffic tomorrow

Hi everyone
The Orchards construction team have advised us there will be a lot of large concrete trucks coming in and out of their site tomorrow morning before school. Please be aware of this if you are dropping children off on Reading Street.
We also advise parents that if your child/ren walk or cycle near this area to instead come via East Street to stay safe.
Miss O’Connor

Learning Conferences and Half Days

Learning Conferences will be held on Wednesday 28th and Thursday 29th July (Week 1 Term 3) between 1pm and 7pm on both days. On both of these days school will finish early at 12.30pm with parents needing to make arrangements for your child/ren to be collected.  If you are unable to book online please contact the office and either Carol or Megan can make the booking for you.

The URL of the site is The code is bjvhh.