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No Netball Tournament tomorrow
Hi everyone
Unfortunately due to a number of factors we are postponing Netball to: Wednesday 25th August, Week 5 Term 3
More information to follow in Term 3.
Matariki Celebration
Our Matariki celebration is on this Friday morning starting at 7am.
- Year 8’s, other students and visitors – please assemble at the school library at 6.45am
- Kapa Haka – please assemble in Room 1 – no later than 6.45am! Wear school uniform and warm jackets/hats/gumboots if needed
Kapa Haka will assemble in Room 1 then walk together to the Matariki garden to be ready to perform the haka pōwhiri.
Year 8’s and visitors will be gathered together by Mr. Preston – then will assemble at the Junior Playground to wait for the haka pōwhiri. They will then walk down to the Matariki garden.
After our celebration there will be a sausage sizzle for children, cup of tea for the parents (staffroom) and the coffee cart will be on site.
We can’t wait to share this wonderful time together with you and your whānau.
Internet Access
The Wairarapa Library Service has partnered with Jump to help families be able to afford the internet. See the flyer below for details.
Drive-in Movie
LAST CHANCE TO VOTE. Voting closes tomorrow night.
We are so excited about our Drive-in movie as part of the Greytown Festival of Christmas (www.greytownvillage.com). A huge thanks to Fresh Choice and Challenge Greytown for their generous support.
There will be two movie sessions. The first movie is Jumanji which has been voted on by the children in our school.
It is now your turn to help us vote on the second session’s movie. Here is the link to place your vote! https://forms.gle/JYMQRPixARmvfs4X7
All proceeds will go towards our North Field Playground upgrade.
The more money we raise…the more spectacular it will be!
Netball Tournament
Year 5-8 Netball Parents
A notice has been sent home about the upcoming Netball Day for the Yr5-8 teams taking part in the interschool tournament. Along with the key information for this event, please note that due to weather the date has changed.
It is no longer on Wednesday but has now been postponed to Thursday 1st June.
Any questions or changes for your child please email Miss Verstraten nverstraten@greytown.school.nz
Level 2 COVID-19 extended
Hi everyone
Today Level 2 for the wider Wellington region has been extended until Tuesday night.
Here is a quick visual reference of what it means for our school.
Free Apples
Hi everyone
Today every child was given a bag of delicious apples from John (JR) Van Vliet from JR’s Orchards. The kids are loving them and will bring some home to share. If you would like another bag to take home simply pick up a bag outside the office area today.
A big thank you to John for his extremely kind donation!
Level 2 COVID-19 Update
Please read the attached information for Level 2 in preparation for tomorrow morning.