Kōwhai Scooter Programme

Kōwhai Scooter Programme
Tomorrow, Wednesday 5th, and Thursday 6th May Constable Julie will be at school running a scooter safety and riding programme for the Kōwhai kids. Kōwhai children are allowed to bring and use their own scooters on these days. They must wear a helmet. Constable Julie will have scooters and helmets for those children who do not bring their own. All children must wear closed-in shoes on these two days.

Support Greytown Wheels Park

Dear Parents

As many of you may be aware there are submissions and an online survey going into the South Wairarapa District Council concerning the proposed Greytown Wheels Park. Attached is a flyer to explain this project in more detail. We encourage you and your children to have a say and get behind this initiative as it will have a positive impact on their recreational use in their town for the future.

The official SWDC online survey is www.surveymonkey.com/r/HR9KCZ6 and the key question is “BIG DECISION 5: GREYTOWN PLAY SPACE”.

All submissions and survey need to be completed by 5pm Friday 30 April.

Please support this project with your voice.

See the initial design concept on our School Facebook Page.

Flyer Page 2.jpg

Bend The Rules

Remember today is “Bend the Rules” day.
So bring along your money (to help raise money for the Junior Playground!)

50 cents each – Bring in a Cuddly Toy, Come to school with Nail Polish on, Wear Face Paint or Make-Up to school

$1.00 each Wear Mufti or a Costume, buy sweets and drinks on sale at school, have an extra 10 mins at 1st Break, Pillow fight joust (3 turns), Wear Crazy Hair / Hat/Wig /Hair Accessories to school

4 balloons for a dollar for the Water Fight ! For those participating in the water balloon battle with the teachers, make sure you bring a further change of clothes.

We’re looking forward to a fun-filled day of bending these rules.