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Kōwhai picnic cancelled information
Kōwhai picnic cancelled due to the weather

Year 7 camp all go tomorrow
Year 7 camp is all go tomorrow! Beachy and his team are ready to take you rafting and then move on to the Kahikatea Outdoor Education Camp area for further camp fun. Remember to bring everything you need to school tomorrow.
Moving On Conference Year 8s tomorrow
Hi everyone
The weather is looking like rain may be on its way. The weather is looking like rain may be on its way. As a result, all Year 8’s please bring a jacket etc to the Moving On Conference held at Kuranui tomorrow.
Year 5/6 camp
All the campers are back at school now
Pack the bus
Reminder that tomorrow at 10.30-11am the Bus will be here for you to drop off a present for needy families in the Wairarapa
Christmas Raffle Winners
Congratulations to all our Christmas Raffle Winners
Wairarapa Schools Virtual Kapa Haka Festival 2020
Tēnā koutou katoa
Christmas Raffle