Don’t forget to leave the uniform at home tomorrow (Wednesday 16th) and bring a gold coin by way of donation.
Website Manager
Health Talk for Parents of Years 5 – 8 Girls
Just a reminder that there is a health talk for parents of our Year 5 – 8 girls in the library from 6pm tonight, Tuesday 15th. To help with organisation please let us know if you will be attending.
Athletics Day Timetable
Kia Ora Koutou
Please find attached the schedule of times and events for our athletics day on Tuesday next week.
The Kōwhai students will have a different schedule but will be part of the sprint finals and relays during the day.
Ngā mihi
GTS StaffAthletics notice 2022.pdf
Cookie Time Fundraiser
Good afternoon Greytown School Community
Christmas is fast approaching and we have the opportunity of selling Cookie Time Cookies as a form of fundraising for our junior playground.
Please take a look in your child’s school bag as we have handed order forms to teachers for sending home. Orders close on the 25th November so please return money and forms to the office by this date.
Thank you for supporting our school.
Newsletter week 1 term 4
Please find attached a newsletter with the pet day run down included.Term 4 update newsletter 2022.pdf