Final Assembly 2021
Dear Parents and Wider Whānau,
Tomorrow is our Final Celebration for 2021. We are looking forward to it!
Due to Covid-19 restrictions and the rainy weather, it will be run differently.
This year the Kauri Syndicate, Kapa Haka, Prize Winners, Head Students and speeches will be live streaming from St Luke’s Church from 9.30 am to 10.30 am tomorrow morning.
Our other syndicates will be joining us via Zoom from school.
You can join us online by either tuning in with our Live Facebook Feed (or by watching it later) or via our Zoom Assembly link below.
The Zoom/Webinar link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87090129289
Live Facebook feed will be through our Greytown School Facebook Page and can be viewed afterwards.
Additionally Mr. French will be filming it.
Afterwards (if the weather holds up) the Year 8’s will walk from St Luke’s down the Main Street down to Stella Bull Park following our Bagpiper Lisa Kerr.
We hope you can join us to celebrate our Year 8 Leavers and our school celebrate the end of 2021 school year.
Celebration Awards Flyer and Link
Dear Parents and Wider Whānau,
Tomorrow is our annual Celebration Awards. We are looking forward to it!
Due to Covid-19 restrictions and the rainy weather, it will be run differently.
This year the Kauri Syndicate, our 2021 Prize Winners, LipSync Winner and Choir will be live streaming from St Luke’s Church from 9.30 am to 10.30 am tomorrow morning. Our other syndicates will be joining us via Zoom from school.
You can join us online by either tuning in with our Live Facebook Feed (or by watching it later) or via our Zoom Assembly link below.
The Zoom link is
When: Dec 14, 2021 09:30 AM Auckland, Wellington
Topic: GTS Flashes & Badges 2021
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Or One tap mobile :
New Zealand: +6448860026,,82940688758# or +6498846780,,82940688758#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): New Zealand: +64 4 886 0026
or +64 9 884 6780 or +64 3 659 0603
Webinar ID: 829 4068 8758
International numbers available: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kd6tvpz0Mo
We hope you can join us.
Girls Puberty Information Evening for Parents/Whanau
To help assist parents/whānau to up skill themselves and to help offer support and guidance for tricky questions daughters may have around puberty; we have asked Bex Henderson (Women’s Health and Fertility Nurse) to come and run an information session. This will be held TOMORROW NIGHT (November 30th) at 6pm in our staffroom.
This is free and the session will be 30 minutes long with question and answer time at the end.
Bex will have her book available at this event for people to purchase ($25) if you would like to have this for future reference.
School MUFTI day – Tuesday 30th
School MUFTI day – bring a can of food or a non-perishable item of food – and you get to wear MUFTI.
Pack the Bus! The bus is aiming to be at the school at 10.50am-11.20am on Tuesday, November 30.
The aim of Pack the Bus is to collect unwrapped presents and non-perishable foods for distribution to those in need within the Wairarapa. Hundreds of gifts were distributed by social agencies through Pack the Bus last year.
Pack the Bus – Tuesday 30th 10.50am
Pack the Bus is at Greytown School on Tuesday 30th November from around 10.50am.
School Buses Running Today
Due to the accident on State Highway 2 today the School buses will be running a wee bit late.