Attached is a letter from the Board of Trustees updating the community on roading.
Due to poor weather, we have to postpone the Year 7 & 8 EOTC on Monday and Tuesday until the 23rd and 24th August.
Principal Announcement
Please take time to read the attached letter to our community.
Movie Night Baking
Thank you to the wonderful families that have already raised their hand to provide some delicious slices, cupcakes, and biscuits for Friday nights movie night. We would love some more support if possible with this. If you are able to help us then please drop any food items in to the office on Friday.
Thank you in advance.
Hot Lunch Orders
Just a reminder that the prices for the hot lunch orders on Wednesday and Friday have increased.
A Small fried rice or chow mein is now $5.00
A large fried rice or chow mein is now $6.00
Parent Teacher Conferences
Just a reminder that parent teacher conferences are this Wednesday and Thursday. Please also remember that School will be finishing at 12.30 on both days.
If you have not already booked a meeting with your child’s teacher please contact the Office and we can do this for you.
School Photos Next Week
School photos will be on the 3rd and 4th August. We are using Inspire Photography again this year.
If you would like to have photos taken with preschool siblings these can be done before school starts each day. If you could please let us know if you wish to take up this option.
Drive In Movie Night Volunteers needed
As many of you will have seen Greytown School is hosting a drive-in movie night as part of the Greytown winter festival. This night is being held on Friday 30th July with a postponement date of Saturday 31st July. To make this night a success for the School’s fundraising we are seeking your help. Thank you to those that have already offered their help! Please follow this link and see how you can help make this night a success. Link: https://forms.gle/XJtJ4sa5mmw2aRuy9 (Copy and paste into Google if above link does not work).