Drive-in Movie

LAST CHANCE TO VOTE. Voting closes tomorrow night.

We are so excited about our Drive-in movie as part of the Greytown Festival of Christmas ( A huge thanks to Fresh Choice and Challenge Greytown for their generous support.

There will be two movie sessions. The first movie is Jumanji which has been voted on by the children in our school.

It is now your turn to help us vote on the second session’s movie. Here is the link to place your vote!

All proceeds will go towards our North Field Playground upgrade.
The more money we raise…the more spectacular it will be!

Netball Tournament

Year 5-8 Netball Parents
A notice has been sent home about the upcoming Netball Day for the Yr5-8 teams taking part in the interschool tournament. Along with the key information for this event, please note that due to weather the date has changed.
It is no longer on Wednesday but has now been postponed to Thursday 1st June.
Any questions or changes for your child please email Miss Verstraten

Free Apples

Hi everyone
Today every child was given a bag of delicious apples from John (JR) Van Vliet from JR’s Orchards. The kids are loving them and will bring some home to share. If you would like another bag to take home simply pick up a bag outside the office area today.
A big thank you to John for his extremely kind donation!

Parent Evening tonight

Hi everyone
Tonight we have the “Raising Resilient Children” parent evening that we highly recommend.
This event is FREE to all parents and families, and we encourage you to come along as building our children’s resilience is an important life skill to foster.

It will be held at the Kuranui Auditorium at 7pm tonight with coffee and tea provided beforehand.

Kathryn Berkett is an incredible speaker with practical tools and strategies to share. She has a Masters in Educational Psychology, is a certified Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (NMT) practitioner and has worked with an extensive list of organisations both nationally and Internationally. She presents in a very practical and down to earth presenter. Parents from her previous sessions have loved her and have taken away a lot of valuable tips that they have put into action.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Tiny Homes Visit


Kahikatea Year 5 & 6 students are looking at Kataitanga for inquiry – Taking a role in the protection of resources in Aotearoa. As part of their learning inquiry, they are having a look at tiny homes and the lower impact on the environment that these can provide. Tiny by Taylor will be at school on Thursday 10th June with the kids from 2-3pm. They would like to stay on and be available to answer any questions you may also have. If you would like to check out a tiny home and discuss this with an expert, come along to school from 3-3.30pm.