Just a reminder we are having a quick Fun Friends Fundraising meeting tomorrow at 9am in the School staffroom for those that can make it.
X Country Notices
If your child gained selection for the Wairarapa Interschool X-Country, we are still waiting on a few notices to be returned. Please get them into the office or back to Mr BW or Ms V, ASAP.
Mufti Day Tomorrow 4 June
Hi Everyone,
we are having a mufti day tomorrow. Money raised will go towards cancer research and support. Gold coin donation. Thanks
Staff retirement
Hi everyone
It is with sad news for us and happy news for her, that Carol Fergusson our Office Manager has decided that she is going to retire and will be finishing at the beginning of next term. Carol is an incredible asset to our school office and staff team and will be missed.
Carol is going to enjoy spending more time being able to relax, enjoy her hobbies eg: cooking, gardening, travelling and most of all be a grandmother and wife.
As a result, we will be advertising her position in the Wairarapa Times Age as Office Manager with Finance and HR responsibilities.
If you know anyone who has these essential finance, HR and administration skills then you could bring this position to their attention.
Patrice O’Connor
School Disco Tonight
Just a reminder that the School disco is tonight.. A change of venue this year to St Luke’s Church Hall.
Kowhai Syndicate (Years 1-2) 4.00 – 4.45pm
Kawaka Syndicate (Years 3-4) 5.00 – 5.45pm
Kahikatea Syndicate (Years 5-6) 6.00 – 7.00pm
Kauri Syndicate (Years 7-8). 7.15 – 8.30pm
The theme this year is “The Elements”. There will be chips, lollies and drinks available to purchase.
Cross Country
All go for Cross Country tomorrow
Don’t forget to bring your baking before school tomorrow and send children with cash to buy baking and sausages.
If you want to take your child home after the event please let your teacher know or sign out on the board at the event.
At the event children can only go home with their parent unless permission has been given to the teacher prior to the start of the day that another adult will be taking them.
Check out Facebook and newsletter for race details and times.
X Country Postponed
Unfortunately, X-Country is not taking place tomorrow. The combination of wind and rain means we will take the safer option of Thursday’s postponement day
It is now postponed till this week, Thursday 20th of May.
Bake Sale will now be on Thursday.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused, but the weather is beyond our control.
Spread the word.
Dental Forms
Parents can you please check your child’s bag for any Oral Health Forms that have been sent home. The dental truck is only on Greytown School grounds for a further 2 weeks and after that any treatments will need to be undertaken in Masterton.