School as Normal

Dear Parents

Kuranui’s lockdown has been lifted and as a result we no longer require the preventative step of keeping kids inside. Kids have had a play outside and are now returning to class for the last 15 minutes. School will finish as normal at 3.00pm with the caving children returning around the same time.


Dear Parents
We understand that the parents of Kuranui students have received a lockdown app alert, which is being controlled by Kuranui.
At this stage Greytown School has not been advised by the Police to lockdown, however, we will keep our children in their classes during break time as a preventative step.
Please be assured we are all ok.
We will keep you up to date as we learn more via app and Facebook.
Patrice O’Connor

Kuranui App Alert

Dear Parents

We understand that parents of children at Kuranui have received an app alert in relation to a lockdown. Which is being controlled by Kuranui. At this stage Greytown School has not been advised by the Police to do anything similar.

Parking on Reading Street at pick up and drop off

Hi Parents
If you are picking up and dropping children off on Reading Street, can you please not park on the grass verge outside local residents housing on the far side or near the construction area, instead park on the school side where children can walk in. This verge has been recently sown by neighbours and also children are running across the road to meet their parents in and around cars on a busy road. If we park on the school side it will ensure that children are not running across the road and will stay safe.

Kōwhai Scooter Programme

Kōwhai Scooter Programme
Tomorrow, Wednesday 5th, and Thursday 6th May Constable Julie will be at school running a scooter safety and riding programme for the Kōwhai kids. Kōwhai children are allowed to bring and use their own scooters on these days. They must wear a helmet. Constable Julie will have scooters and helmets for those children who do not bring their own. All children must wear closed-in shoes on these two days.