
There is a quite a lot of absences at the moment with head colds etc.  Please advise the office by 9am through the school Ap, Website or on the absence phone.  Your help with this saves many phone calls checking up on children marked as not here.

Orchard Rest home Construction begins.

Hi everyone
Tomorrow the construction begins for the Orchards Resthome across the road from school on Reading Street. Please talk to children about staying away from this fenced area before and after school or at the weekends as there will be heavy machinery at work. Also, note that parking on the far side of the road will not be available for parking until further notice.

School Lunches are back!

Hi Parents and Caregivers,

Tomorrow our school lunches will be back in action.  They can be ordered at the school office on Wednesdays and Fridays from 8.30 am onwards.  Small Fried Rice or Chowmein $4.50, Large Fried Rice or Chowmein $5.50.

Teacher Only Day – POSTPONED

Hi Parents and Caregivers

Tuesday 2nd June will now be a normal day back at school for everyone.

We had indicated at the end of last year and again at the beginning of the year that we would be having a Teacher Only Day on Tuesday 2nd June after Queen’s birthday.  However, due to COVID-19 and our children just recently returning to on-site learning and many parents back to work last week, we are going to postpone this to next term.


Miss O’Connor

S.H.A.R.P Dress Up Day tomorrow (reminder)

Hi everyone
Just a reminder that TOMORROW is S.H.A.R.P dress-up day.
WHAT: Choose one colour from our SHARP values and wear that colour (or as much as you can!)
               (Red, Green, Yellow, Pink or Blue)
WHERE: Greytown School
WHY: Because we deserve FUN!  (So please make it easy by using your wardrobe items!)
If you would like to bring a can of food that we can donate to the Greytown Foodbank that would be great.

Proposed Sports Hub

Dear Parents & Caregivers

You may be aware of the potential sports hub submission currently being discussed in Greytown.  As a School Board we have chosen to support this initiative for the following reasons:

  • It will significantly increase the sporting opportunities and facilities for our school and community as we grow.
  • It will decrease the demand and impact on our school grounds after hours, which is important as we grow as a school e.g. a variety of sports clubs use the school grounds which often does not cater for their needs.
  • It will continue to enable Greytown Trust Lands Trust to support our school in other educational initiatives.

As a Board, we would encourage you to support this initiative or have your own say, please go to https://www.swdc.govt.nz/Annual-Plan-Consultation-2020-2021 by this Sunday 24th May 2020.


Yours sincerely

Jane Cooper

Board Chairperson of Greytown School


On-site access – simply sign in at the tracking station.

Hi everyone
We are looking forward to school starting on Monday. I just want to clarify what was sent out in the newsletter on Wednesday in terms of ON-SITE ACCESS TO PARENTS as some parents are unsure…
A parent can come onsite if they need to.
A need maybe
# You have a New Entrant or junior child to settle in.
# Your child is anxious about going to class alone.
# Your child is brand new to Greytown School (any age).
# You need to come to the school office.
If you do need to come on-site simply enter one of the 3 gates open and sign in at the tracking station beside it
eg: Write your name, phone number and time.
This is a legal requirement for us in Alert level 2.
Once on site please stay 2m away from other parents and children.
If you need to go inside a class for a child’s well-being, ask the teacher before entering (or they will welcome you in if they can see your child needs you as they are looking really unsure).  They will then help you enter the room by managing other children’s distance.
Here is a social story to help settle kids in and explain this if you need to.  Read as much or as little as you like.
Hope this helps to clarify access.
See you on Monday!