Pita Pit lunch tomorrow and every Thursday this term
Kia Ora Koutou
Pita Pit orders are available tomorrow through lunch online even though we finish early. The lunches arrive at 12pm.
You can order through https://www.lunchonline.co.nz/
Orders can be made up until 8:30 am each Thursday.
GTS Staff
Learning Conferences
Kia Ora Koutou
Please see the attached document with the zoom links for all of the classes.
Just a reminder that if you have an appointment tomorrow (Wednesday) after 5pm, it will be a zoom and if you have an appointment on Thursday after 3pm, it will be a zoom. If you have booked for one for zoom but wanted in person, please contact the office asap. The same if you wanted zoom but have booked in person.
School finishes at 12:30 tomorrow and Thursday and we thank you for your support with this. The buses will be running at the usual time. As per previous years, bus students will be supervised until 3pm.
Kind regards
GTS Staff
Board of Trustees Elections 2022
Dear Parents and Caregivers
A reminder that nominations for 2022 School Board Elections closes at 12 noon on Wednesday 3rd August 2022. Completed nominations must be received by the due date.
You will find attached the election letter and nomination form. Please read the 2022 Election Letter to familiarise yourself with the nomination process.
Kind Regards
Megan Wall
Returning Officer
Greytown School
73 East Street, Greytown
Email: mwall@greytown.school.nz
School Interviews 3rd/4th August
Just a reminder that the School Interview bookings are open. Follow the below link to set up your appointment.
Wednesday 3rd August – 1pm-5pm – Face to Face appointments
5:40-7pm – Zoom appointments
Thursday 4th August – 1pm-3pm – Face to Face appointments
3:20-7pm – Zoom appointments
If you have any problems logging in feel free to reach out to either Melane or Megan in the Office.
Mask Update – term 3
July Mask Update to Families.pdf
Please read the attached notice regarding mask wearing for the beginning of term 3.
We look forward to seeing everyone on Monday.
Ngā mihi
GTS Staff
School Interviews Now Open
School Interview bookings are now open. Follow the below link to set up your appointment.
Wednesday 3rd August – 1pm-5pm – Face to Face appointments
5:40-7pm – Zoom appointments
Thursday 4th August – 1pm-3pm – Face to Face appointments
3:20-7pm – Zoom appointments
Uniform Free Day – Friday 8th July
Kia Ora Koutou
To celebrate the end of the term we are having a uniform free day (mufti) on Friday this week.
We ask students to bring in a non-perishable food item to donate to the Foodbank.
Ngā mihi
GTS Staff