End of Year Celebration Awards and Final Assembly

Dear Parents and Whānau,
As you are aware our annual Celebration Awards (Tuesday 14th Dec) and End of Year Final Assembly (Thursday 16th Dec) are coming up soon.
Unfortunately due to COVID-19 restrictions, we have had to make changes to accommodate these.
The changes are
– As we are a big school, Parents and whānau will not be able to attend in person. Instead, we will have a live Facebook feed so you can watch it from home or at a friend’s house.
– will be having both celebrations at our school outside where it is well ventilated. If wet we will make other arrangements via Zoom for classes to attend.
– both events will be held between 9.30-10.30ish (“ish”….means we will finish when we can get through all the awards). Children will need to wear their uniforms and have their school hats.

Our school day will finish at 12 midday on the final day 16th December.

The Facebook feed information will be sent out prior to both events.

We look forward to celebrating these two events.

Final Assembly Flyer copy.pdf

Girls Puberty Information Evening for Parents/Whanau

To help assist parents/whānau to up skill themselves and to help offer support and guidance for tricky questions daughters may have around puberty; we have asked Bex Henderson (Women’s Health and Fertility Nurse) to come and run an information session. This will be held TOMORROW NIGHT (November 30th) at 6pm in our staffroom.

This is free and the session will be 30 minutes long with question and answer time at the end.

Bex will have her book available at this event for people to purchase ($25) if you would like to have this for future reference.

School MUFTI day – Tuesday 30th

School MUFTI day – bring a can of food or a non-perishable item of food – and you get to wear MUFTI.

Pack the Bus! The bus is aiming to be at the school at 10.50am-11.20am on Tuesday, November 30.

The aim of Pack the Bus is to collect unwrapped presents and non-perishable foods for distribution to those in need within the Wairarapa. Hundreds of gifts were distributed by social agencies through Pack the Bus last year.

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