Yeah! GIRLS Cricket in Term 4

Hi All,

Even though things are a bit ‘funny’ at the moment, we still have to make plans going forward about what we are doing for sports in Term 4.

With that in mind, the extremely well-run ‘Yeah, Girls! Cricket Programme’ is up and running again in the Wairarapa. I have added the information below for a direct sign-up, or you can make contact with me at to register your interest in getting involved. It is a program run for girls, by girls and they absolutely love it.

With the Women’s Cricket World Cup 22 coming to Wellington it is an exciting time to be involved in the game.

So get in and register your interest.

Yeah Girls Information Schools 2021-22.pdf

Alert Level 3 onsite learning

Hi Parents and Caregivers

We need to know TODAY if your child/ren are going to need to be in an Alert Level 3 bubble class on our school site from Wednesday 1st September 2021, as we need to organise and ensure we have adequate staffing and Health and Safety in place.

Please keep in mind:

We need to emphasise, the school will only be open from Wednesday for ESSENTIAL WORKERS children who CANNOT be supervised at home, due to all caregivers needing to be AWAY FROM HOME for their employment, and have NO OTHER ADULTS/OLDER SIBLINGS OF LEGAL AGE who are able to look after them instead.

The government has stated that their most ideal choice is for children to STAY AT HOME and to continue home learning either online or with hardpacks delivered during Level 3.

Information from the Ministry of Education has clearly explained life at school will be very different from normal. There are strict rules that we will need to follow eg: Remain at least a metre from each other inside (unless siblings) and 2 metres outside, no playgrounds will be open, playtimes will be different as bubble groups must remain separate, different entry/exit gates for bubble group parents, children will use individual sports equipment/learning tools etc.

Thank you to those families who have already let us know. We will be in touch on Monday or Tuesday morning at the latest (depending on the number of bubbles required) with all the information that you will need to follow.

If you have not registered your child/ren please contact me TODAY via email:

Patrice O’Connor

Alert Level 3 Bubble Class Decision Making Chart.png

Answers needed for Devices, hardpacks and possible Level 3 bubbles

Thursday 19th August 2021

Hi Parents

We are just preparing (just in case) for the possibility of our Lockdown being extended or changed to Level 3 on Friday night.

To help us all, I need to know…(and spread the word to other parents so they can tell us too)

– Who would need a Ministry of Education HARD PACK (printed version) of learning to be ordered and delivered to your home address?

– If we went into Level 3 with only approved essential workers children on school site…who needs their child’s name to be registered for Level 3 onsite bubble classes?

Teachers have already been in contact with parents asking who would need a school device if we had to extend. If you have not told your teacher you need a device please let us know. (note: priority will be one per house. If others are available we could send 2 for houses with multiple children)

– Teachers are working on learning programmes just in case. If the lockdown is extended these will start on Wednesday 25th August when the current packs will finish.

Please email me at or your classroom teacher as soon as possible with your name, contact details and address so I can add you to these lists.

Please note our priority is firmly on the well-being of you and your children. The learning we provide is there for your child to do as much and as little as you feel comfortable with. It is not there to create stress. We understand that many parents are still working from home. Please email your teacher or me if we can help you in any way.

Stay safe and be kind to yourselves.
Miss Patrice O’Connor