Teacher Only Day – POSTPONED

Hi Parents and Caregivers

Tuesday 2nd June will now be a normal day back at school for everyone.

We had indicated at the end of last year and again at the beginning of the year that we would be having a Teacher Only Day on Tuesday 2nd June after Queen’s birthday.  However, due to COVID-19 and our children just recently returning to on-site learning and many parents back to work last week, we are going to postpone this to next term.


Miss O’Connor

On-site access – simply sign in at the tracking station.

Hi everyone
We are looking forward to school starting on Monday. I just want to clarify what was sent out in the newsletter on Wednesday in terms of ON-SITE ACCESS TO PARENTS as some parents are unsure…
A parent can come onsite if they need to.
A need maybe
# You have a New Entrant or junior child to settle in.
# Your child is anxious about going to class alone.
# Your child is brand new to Greytown School (any age).
# You need to come to the school office.
If you do need to come on-site simply enter one of the 3 gates open and sign in at the tracking station beside it
eg: Write your name, phone number and time.
This is a legal requirement for us in Alert level 2.
Once on site please stay 2m away from other parents and children.
If you need to go inside a class for a child’s well-being, ask the teacher before entering (or they will welcome you in if they can see your child needs you as they are looking really unsure).  They will then help you enter the room by managing other children’s distance.
Here is a social story to help settle kids in and explain this if you need to.  Read as much or as little as you like.
Hope this helps to clarify access.
See you on Monday!

School opening and moving to Alert Level 2!

Hi Parents and Caregivers

Please read this update very carefully as it has a lot of important information about how our school will run in Alert Level 2 eg: Access to the school site, Social distancing, Health and Safety etc.

I know it is a lot, however, there is a lot to cover as we will be working within a “new normal” and it won’t be just business as usual for somethings.

Please let us know if your child/ren are NOT returning to school in Level 2 by Friday.  Please ring or email our school office team at office@greytown.school.nz

We look forward to having you all back next Monday!

Level 2 Coronavirus update Tuesday 12th May 2020

School Open on Monday 18th May 2020

Dear Parents and Caregivers
Today our PM Jacinda Arden announced that we will be moving to Alert Level 2 in the upcoming days.
This means that our school will once again be open for face-to-face learning on Monday 18th May. We will send out more information over the next few days to keep you up to date and unpack this more.
As a school staff and Board, we are excited about our children returning and once again being able to enjoy all the learning and fun things that makes our school a special place to be apart of.
Bitmoji Image
Miss O’Connor

Opening for Level 3 and our Week 2 Term 2 Update

Hi everyone,

I can confirm that we will be opening in a “limited way” on Wednesday 29th of April with two “school bubbles” working onsite.
Even though there are some children and staff on-site our school grounds will remain closed to all others until further notice.
Information for our “school bubble” families will come out on Monday via emails to them.
Thank you to all our families for helping our teachers and I know who needs to be on-site in a bubble in Level 3.

Thank you to all the families that have sent in photos in for our second slideshow. I will put this on the Facebook page on Tuesday, so if you have a photo of something that you have done or learnt in Level 4 this week and would like to share it with others..please send it in. I will do this Monday afternoon.

Last chance to send your tiny house design photos to Esther.

Thank you to all of you for another successful week of distance/remote learning for our school.
I would also like to say a huge thank you to Steve, Jackie and Lance our cleaning team. They are working extremely hard behind the scenes to keep our school clean, healthy and ready to go for learning. We really appreciate you!!!

Enjoy your ANZAC weekend…and your ANZAC biscuits!

Miss O’Connor

Important COVID-19 Update: Going to Level 3

Hi everyone

Attached is the COVID-Update for Level 3 from Jane Cooper (BOT Chairperson) and I.  We know there is a lot of information in it, however, we need you to read it thoroughly.  Hopefully, it will answer a lot of questions that you may have about what Level 3 looks like for our school community.

I have also put it on our school website so you can see it in a larger version on a computer if you need (or you can print it out) under the COVID-19  banner on the front page.

As information comes out from the Ministries of Health and Education I will update the community accordingly.


Patrice O’Connor

COVID-19 UPDATE 21st April 2020 ALERT LEVEL 3

Week 2 Term 2 Fun Learning Update

 It is the start of Week 2 Term 2 2020!

Last week I received some amazing photos and a few movie clips of learning happening at home. Thank you for getting in behind this challenge.  As you can see it was worth it!

There are some amazing ideas and you can clearly see there is lots of learning happening in all different shapes and forms.  You can see highlights from Zoom conferences with teachers and classmates, obstacle courses in and outside, building (basketball hoops, go-karts, bike ramps), creative thinking (photos with optical illusions that play on the eye, robots, beautiful art etc), PE lessons, Family time, cooking (and eating!), Maths in action, great story writing, handwriting, new time…..the list goes on!  This slideshow is now on our school Facebook page and I hope you enjoy it. It may also give you some ideas for this week.

As the week goes on we will add some of the movies sent in.

Keep sending your photos or movies in as we can do the same again at the end of this week.

Enjoy your day!

Miss O


Hi everyone!  I am Esther and I am the Head girl at Greytown School.  Here is my “Learning is Fun Challenge” for Week 2.

Can you build a tiny house?  You can use Lego, Wood, Cardboard, Paper, Cards…..be creative!  You could even design the inside or draw it (for a challenge make a scale drawing!)

Check out the video on our school Facebook page!

Upload your photos in the comments below  the challenge on our Facebook page or you can send them to Esther wilest@greytown.school.nz  Include your school house name underneath if you want house points ie: Takitimu, Te Arawa, Tainui or Aotea
At the end, you will get points for your houses AND go in a S.H.A.R.P draw with prizes given out when school returns.
Looking forward to seeing your amazing creations and sharing them with others!
Esther W!


Day 3 Term 2 Fun Update

Day 3 has begun.

Wow, yesterday was full of responding to the most amazing emails about what you are all doing. Today I will put them all together into a presentation to celebrate our first week of remote learning. (Still, time to send them in this morning to principal@greytown.school.nz)

You will be able to see a wide range of learning from at home cooking classes, maths class with building fences, engineering and construction with robots and drift bikes, Zoom cooking classes with yummy donuts (or doughnuts) being made, Reading in funny yet comfy places, pets getting or helping with lessons, digital learning in all sorts of places…..the list goes on….INCREDIBLE JOB!!!

Today kids I would like you to take a moment to say a huge thank you to your parents. It is a lot of work and fun being a parent, especially in the lockdown. Please get them a big hive 5, hug, pat on the back…or something else like a card. Just to say how proud of them you are and we are.

Parents, adults and teenagers in the family helping out…we say a big THANK YOU on behalf of our school community for helping everyone to stay safe and to have fun with learning.

Yesterday I asked a question…had a wondering…about Mr Salter’s hat.. was it for the cold or was it covering a bad lockdown hairstyle? Kids in his class soon told me that no he was just cold and that his hairstyle was ok in his Zoom classes. Phew! Glad to hear Mr Salter.

Finally hope your paper plane (Carlo’s Weekly School Challenge on Facebook) making is going better than mine! Still working on it but enjoying the trials that have been hilarious.

Enjoy Day 3 and then take the next two days off.

Miss O