Pie Pick Up – tomorrow
Thank you to everyone who ordered pies, the delivery day for these is tomorrow.
The pies are being distributed from the Tahorahina block (the new block). There will be signs pointing you in the right direction.
You can pick them up at school pick up time – please bring your own bags or boxes with you.
Teachers Union meeting Wednesday 31 May 2023
Dear Parents and Caregivers
We have been advised by the NZEI, the union, of a union meeting on Wednesday 31st May from 1 pm – 3 pm. Usually, we are given a longer period of notice, however, the Secretary for Education has waived the notice period on this occasion.
What this means for our school is that the majority of our teachers will be unavailable to teach on Wednesday afternoon. We will have some teaching staff, myself and a few support staff members on site for the afternoon. We are asking that anyone who is able to pick up their children do so between 12:20-12:30.
If you would like your child/ren to stay at school for the afternoon, please fill in the Google form below so that we can ensure we have enough cover for the afternoon. There are only 2 questions on the form – the name/s of the child/ren and what the after-school plans are. If you are collecting your children at lunchtime, you do not need to do the form.
We thank you for your help with this last-minute change to the week ahead.
Kind regards
Paula Weston
Reading Street Upgrade
Please see attached newsletter regarding the Reading Street Parking upgrade.
Newsletter 10 March 2023
Please find attached todays Newsletter 10 March 2023. Note school closure on Thursday the 16th March (next Thursday).