School Hours

8:20 AM School grounds are open for children (please don’t drop your child off earlier than this unless going to before school care.)
8:30 AM Classrooms open for children
8:50 AM School day starts
  First Learning Session with rolling brainfood break in class.
11:00 AM Morning Tea
11:20 AM Second Learning Session begins
12:40 PM

Lunch eating

12:50 PM Lunch break
1:30 PM The third Learning Session begins
3:00 PM End of School Day
What is the Brainfood break?
Along with a named bottle of water in class, children are encouraged to have a quick healthy snack on hand that they can easily access from their bag during the first block of learning.  For some children, they have breakfast very early and they have told us that they need a “fuel break” to increase their ability to focus.
These snacks can be a piece of fruit, some nuts (not peanuts please), a small bag of plain popcorn, carrots/cucumber/celery and hummus, raisins/dried apricots, cheese and crackers etc..