Senior School Learning

Senior Syndicate, Year 7-8 

Over in the Papawai block, our dynamic learning community is home to four Year 7/8 classes. We pride ourselves on offering students a one-of-a-kind learning experience, where collaboration thrives. Our teachers guide students in developing strong, positive learning habits that prepare them for the challenges of secondary school and beyond.

Each morning, our students dive into literacy and numeracy, laying a solid foundation for their academic journey. In the afternoons, they explore a wide array of subjects including Science, Arts, and Health and Physical Education, ensuring a well-rounded education. Digital technology is woven into our curriculum, with access to 1:1 Chromebooks to enhance their learning throughout the year.

Technology plays a key role in our programme, encouraging students to think creatively and explore innovative solutions to real-world challenges. As part of their intermediate journey, our senior students experience specialized modules at Kuranui College every Friday afternoon, led by expert teachers. These exciting classes, covering areas like Te Ao Māori, Visual Arts, Dance/Drama, Music, and Cooking, not only broaden their horizons but also ease their transition to college life.

There are a range of leadership opportunities for our senior students, with the prestigious chance to earn the title of ‘Black Hat.’ This group takes charge of running whole school assemblies, organizing fun events, and acting as the voice of the student body, bringing fresh, innovative ideas to life.

To spice things up, we’ve added some healthy competition with our ‘Gnomercy’ trophy! Classes battle it out in thrilling challenges like dodgeball, the Amazing Race, quizzes, non-stop cricket, dance-offs, and the ultimate Olympic Games. It’s all about teamwork, fun, and friendly rivalry, adding a lively twist to our collaborative community.

Our Year 7/8 camp runs every second year at Makahika Outdoor Pursuits in Levin. It is a fantastic camp which we are very lucky to be booked into!

On the other years we have EOTC (education outside the classroom) throughout the year, making sure students get to have real life hands-on experiences in a range of environments.